Playwright with JavaScript Commands -Part1

1. Browser & Context Management

Import Statement



const { chromium } = require('playwright');


Ø  require('playwright'): Imports the Playwright library

Ø  { chromium }: Destructures the Chromium browser object from the library

Ø  This is required to use any Playwright browser functions

Launch Browser



const browser = await chromium.launch({

  headless: false,

  slowMo: 100,



Ø  chromium.launch(): Starts a Chromium browser instance

Ø  await: Pauses execution until browser launches (required for async operations)

Ø  Options:

o    headless: false: Makes browser visible (default is true/invisible)

o    slowMo: 100: Adds 100ms delay between actions (helps see what's happening)

2. Create Browser Context



const context = await browser.newContext();

const page = await context.newPage();


Ø  browser.newContext(): Creates an isolated environment (like a private browsing session)

Ø  context.newPage(): Opens a new tab/page in the browser

Ø  Each context can have multiple pages (tabs)

3. Close Browser



await browser.close();


Ø  Closes the browser and all associated pages/contexts

Ø  Always include this at the end of your scripts to clean up resources

4. Page Navigation

Go to URL



await page.goto('');


Ø  goto(): Navigates to the specified URL

Ø  Similar to typing an address in the browser's address bar

5. Element Interaction

Click Element





Ø  click(): Simulates a mouse click

Ø  'button#submit': CSS selector meaning "button element with id='submit'"

Type Text



await page.fill('#username', 'john_doe');


Ø  fill(): Types text into an input field

Ø  First argument is selector, second is text to input

Ø  Automatically clears existing content

6. Element Selectors

CSS Selector Example





Ø  .button-primary: Selects elements with class="button-primary"

Ø  Similar to how CSS styles target elements

Text Selector





Ø  text=Login: Finds elements containing exact text "Login"

Ø  Case-insensitive by default

7. Waiting for Elements

Explicit Wait



await page.waitForSelector('.result');


Ø  Pauses execution until element matching .result appears

Ø  Prevents errors from interacting with elements that haven't loaded

8. Handling Alerts



page.on('dialog', async dialog => {

  await dialog.accept();


Ø  page.on('dialog'): Listens for popup dialogs

Ø  dialog.accept(): Clicks "OK" in confirmation dialogs

Ø  Must be set up before the dialog appears

9. Screenshots



await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });


Ø  Takes a picture of the current page view

Ø  path: Specifies where to save the image file

Ø  fullPage: true option captures entire scrollable page

10. Closing Resources



await page.close();


Ø  Closes the current tab

Ø  Recommended to close pages/contexts when you're done with them

Key JavaScript Concepts in These Examples:

1.      async/await: Handles asynchronous operations (like network requests)

2.      const: Declares variables that won't be reassigned

3.      Arrow functions () => {}: Compact function syntax

4.      Objects { key: value }: Used for passing options

5.      Promises: Underlying mechanism for most Playwright operations


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