Top 100 Questions with Answer on Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud

Top 100 Questions with Answer on Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud

Sure! Here are the top hundred questions about Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud, along with their answers:

1. What is Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud is a specialized industry solution developed by Salesforce specifically for the consumer goods industry. It helps consumer goods companies optimize their sales processes, enhance field operations, manage retail execution, and improve overall sales performance.

2. What are the key features of Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud? The key features of Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud include account management, order management, retail execution, inventory management, route planning, mobile app integration, analytics and reporting, and integration with other Salesforce products.

3. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud help with account management? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides a 360-degree view of customer accounts, allowing sales teams to track and manage customer interactions, contacts, sales history, and other relevant data. It helps improve customer relationships and enables personalized interactions.

4. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud support order management? With Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud, sales representatives can create and manage sales orders directly from the field. They can access product catalogs, check inventory availability, generate quotes, process orders, and track their status in real time.

5. What is retail execution in Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud? Retail execution refers to the activities performed by sales representatives in the field, such as merchandising, promotions, and compliance audits. Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offers tools to plan, execute, and track these activities, ensuring consistency and visibility across the organization.

6. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud help with inventory management? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud enables real-time visibility into inventory levels, helping sales teams understand product availability and manage stock effectively. It also facilitates order forecasting, replenishment planning, and alerts for low stock situations.

7. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud help with route planning? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud includes route planning capabilities. It helps optimize sales routes based on factors like customer location, time, and priority, enabling sales representatives to plan their visits efficiently and reduce travel time.

8. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with mobile apps? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides mobile apps that enable sales representatives to access customer data, product information, order details, and other relevant information while on the go. This empowers them to be more productive and responsive in the field.

9. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offer analytics and reporting? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud includes built-in analytics and reporting capabilities. It allows sales teams to track key performance indicators (KPIs), monitor sales metrics, generate sales reports, and gain insights to drive data-informed decision-making.

10. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with other Salesforce products? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud is built on the Salesforce platform and seamlessly integrates with other Salesforce products such as Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, and Commerce Cloud. This integration enables a unified and holistic view of customer data.

11. How customizable is Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud is highly customizable to meet the specific needs of consumer goods companies. It offers a range of customization options, including custom objects, fields, workflows, and page layouts, allowing organizations to tailor the solution to their unique requirements.

12. Is Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud suitable for small businesses? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud caters to businesses of all sizes, including small businesses. It provides a scalable and flexible solution that can be adapted to the needs and growth trajectory of small consumer goods companies.

13. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud help improve sales team collaboration? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud fosters collaboration among sales teams by providing a central platform for sharing information, collaborating on deals, and coordinating activities. It enhances communication and alignment within the sales organization.

14. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud support offline access? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offers offline access capabilities through its mobile apps. Sales representatives can access and update customer data, create orders, and perform other tasks even when they are not connected to the internet. The changes synchronize automatically when a connection is available.

15. How secure is Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud? Salesforce is committed to maintaining a high level of security for its products, including Consumer Goods Cloud. It employs industry-standard security practices, encryption, and data protection measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of customer data.

16. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with ERP systems? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud supports integration with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. This integration allows for seamless data flow between Salesforce and the ERP system, enabling organizations to synchronize sales, order, and inventory data.

17. Is training available for Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud users? Yes, Salesforce provides training resources, documentation, and online learning modules to help users get up to speed with Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud. Additionally, Salesforce has a network of certified consultants and partners who can provide training and implementation support.

18. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle trade promotions? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides tools for managing trade promotions, including planning, budgeting, execution, and analysis. It helps consumer goods companies design and track promotional activities to drive sales and measure their effectiveness.

19. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud automate routine tasks? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offers automation capabilities to streamline routine tasks and processes. This includes automated order processing, task assignment, notifications, and workflows, freeing up time for sales representatives to focus on more strategic activities.

20. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offer real-time data updates? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides real-time data updates, ensuring that sales representatives have access to the most current information about customers, products, orders, and inventory levels.

21. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud help with territory management? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud supports territory management by enabling organizations to define and assign sales territories based on geographic regions, customer segments, or other criteria. It helps optimize sales coverage and ensures equitable distribution of accounts.

22. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle trade promotions claims and deductions? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud includes functionality to manage trade promotion claims and deductions. It allows organizations to track, process, and analyze claims and deductions, ensuring accurate and timely resolution.

23. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud have mobile reporting capabilities? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides mobile reporting capabilities, allowing sales representatives to generate and access reports on their mobile devices. This empowers them to gain insights and make informed decisions while on the go.

24. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud assist with retail execution compliance? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud helps ensure retail execution compliance by providing tools to track and monitor compliance with merchandising standards, promotional activities, and planogram adherence. It helps identify non-compliance issues and take corrective actions.

25. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with external data sources? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud supports integration with external data sources, such as market data providers, syndicated data sources, and external databases. This allows organizations to enrich their sales data and gain a comprehensive view of their market and customers.

26. What is the pricing model for Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud follows a subscription-based pricing model, where organizations pay a monthly or annual fee per user. The exact pricing depends on the edition chosen and the number of users.

27. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle complex pricing and discounts? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud can handle complex pricing and discount structures. It provides tools to define and manage price books, discount schedules, volume-based pricing, promotional pricing, and special pricing agreements.

28. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud support contract management? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud includes contract management capabilities. It allows organizations to create, store, and manage contracts with customers, distributors, and other partners. Users can track contract terms, renewal dates, and related information.

29. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud help with sales forecasting? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offers sales forecasting functionality to predict future sales based on historical data, pipeline information, and market trends. It helps organizations make informed decisions, plan resources, and set sales targets.

30. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with e-commerce platforms? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud can integrate with e-commerce platforms, such as Salesforce Commerce Cloud or other third-party platforms. This integration enables a seamless flow of data between online and offline sales channels.

31. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle retail audits? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud facilitates retail audits by providing tools for collecting and analyzing data on store visits, compliance checks, shelf visibility, and other audit-related activities. It helps identify opportunities for improvement and track audit results.

32. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provide analytics for retail performance? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offers analytics and reporting capabilities to measure and analyze retail performance. It provides insights into sales by store, category performance, market share, and other key retail metrics.

33. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud support mobile order capture? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud supports mobile order capture by allowing sales representatives to capture orders using mobile devices. They can browse product catalogs, select items, specify quantities, and process orders in real time.

34. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud track competitor information? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud enables organizations to track and manage competitor information. Sales representatives can log competitor activities, pricing, promotions, and other relevant data to gain competitive intelligence.

35. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provide retail analytics dashboards? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offers pre-built retail analytics dashboards that provide visualizations of key sales and retail performance metrics. These dashboards help sales teams monitor performance and identify trends.

36. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud support trade spend management? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud helps organizations manage trade spend by providing tools to track, analyze, and optimize trade promotion investments. It helps evaluate the ROI of trade spend and make data-driven decisions.

37. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with social media platforms? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud can integrate with social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This integration enables organizations to monitor social media interactions, engage with customers, and gather insights.

38. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud support geolocation tracking? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud supports geolocation tracking, allowing sales representatives to track their location during field visits. This information can be used for route optimization, territory planning, and analyzing sales coverage.

39. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle returns and exchanges? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides tools to manage returns and exchanges. It enables sales representatives to process return requests, initiate return shipments, and track the status of return orders.

40. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with marketing automation tools? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud can integrate with marketing automation tools, such as Salesforce Marketing Cloud or other third-party platforms. This integration allows for coordinated marketing and sales efforts.

41. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud support trade promotions accruals? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud supports trade promotions accruals, which help organizations track and account for promotional expenses. It allows for accurate financial planning and reporting.

42. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle contract pricing? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud enables organizations to define and manage contract pricing agreements with customers. It ensures that contract-specific pricing is applied accurately during the order process.

43. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud assist with sales territory alignment? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides tools for sales territory alignment. It helps organizations define, adjust, and align sales territories based on factors like customer density, revenue potential, and market segmentation.

44. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle field sales coaching? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud includes features for field sales coaching, allowing managers to provide guidance, feedback, and coaching to their sales representatives. It supports collaboration and skill development.

45. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offer mobile merchandising capabilities? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offers mobile merchandising capabilities, allowing sales representatives to capture visual merchandising data, monitor planogram compliance, and assess store displays using mobile devices.

46. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with loyalty programs? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud can integrate with loyalty programs, enabling organizations to capture and track customer loyalty data, rewards, and program participation.

47. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle price overrides? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides the flexibility to handle price overrides when necessary. Authorized users can override pricing based on specific criteria or business rules.

48. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud support order approvals? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud supports order approvals by allowing organizations to define approval processes for sales orders. This ensures proper authorization and control over order processing.

49. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle trade promotions settlement? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud includes functionality to handle trade promotions settlement. It helps organizations reconcile and settle trade promotion claims and deductions with customers and partners.

50. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud assist with contact management? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides contact management capabilities to help organizations manage customer contacts, roles, and relationships. It allows for a comprehensive view of customer interactions and engagement.

51. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud support mobile surveys and feedback? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud supports mobile surveys and feedback collection. Sales representatives can use mobile devices to gather customer feedback, conduct surveys, and capture valuable insights.

52. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with electronic data interchange (EDI) systems? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud can integrate with electronic data interchange (EDI) systems to facilitate the exchange of electronic documents, such as purchase orders, invoices, and shipping notices, with trading partners.

53. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle trade promotion fund management? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud helps organizations manage trade promotion funds by providing tools to allocate, track, and analyze funds allocated for trade promotions. It helps ensure optimal utilization of funds and provides visibility into fund performance.

54. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud track sales rep performance metrics? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud allows organizations to track and measure sales representative performance metrics, such as sales targets, revenue attainment, customer visits, and order accuracy.

55. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud support lead management? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud supports lead management, allowing organizations to capture, qualify, and convert leads into opportunities. It helps track the sales pipeline and manage lead conversion processes.

56. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud assist with customer segmentation? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides tools for customer segmentation based on various criteria, such as geography, industry, sales history, and customer behavior. It helps organizations target specific customer segments with tailored sales and marketing efforts.

57. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle contract renewals? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud facilitates contract renewals by providing visibility into upcoming contract expiration dates, renewal terms, and related data. It helps streamline the contract renewal process.

58. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle distributor management? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud supports distributor management by providing tools to manage distributor relationships, track performance, and collaborate on joint business planning and execution.

59. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offer gamification features? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud includes gamification features to motivate and engage sales teams. It allows organizations to set up challenges, leaderboards, rewards, and incentives to drive sales performance.

60. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with voice assistants? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud can integrate with voice assistants, such as Salesforce's Einstein Voice Assistant or other third-party voice assistant solutions. This enables sales representatives to interact with the system using voice commands.

61. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle store visit planning? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud assists with store visit planning by providing tools to schedule, prioritize, and optimize store visits based on factors like store performance, customer needs, and sales goals.

62. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud generate customized sales reports? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud allows users to generate customized sales reports based on specific criteria, metrics, and data fields. It provides flexibility in creating and analyzing reports to meet business requirements.

63. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offer product catalog management? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud includes product catalog management capabilities. It allows organizations to create and maintain product catalogs, manage pricing, track SKU information, and associate products with specific customers or segments.

64. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle trade promotion budgeting? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud assists with trade promotion budgeting by providing tools to define and allocate budgets for trade promotions. It helps organizations set financial targets and monitor budget utilization.

65. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with field marketing tools? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud can integrate with field marketing tools, enabling seamless collaboration between field marketing teams and sales representatives. It helps coordinate marketing activities, track campaign performance, and share relevant data.

66. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle competitive analysis? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud supports competitive analysis by providing tools to track and analyze competitors' products, pricing, promotions, and market positioning. It helps organizations gain insights into competitive dynamics.

67. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offer guided selling capabilities? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offers guided selling capabilities to assist sales representatives in the sales process. It provides recommended products, pricing guidance, and relevant cross-sell or upsell suggestions based on customer data and preferences.

68. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud generate retail execution scorecards? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud can generate retail execution scorecards that evaluate store-level performance on various parameters like compliance, merchandising standards, promotion execution, and sales metrics.

69. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle sales incentives and commissions? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides functionality to manage and calculate sales incentives and commissions. It enables organizations to define commission structures, track sales performance, and calculate payouts accurately.

70. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle order fulfillment processes? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud supports order fulfillment processes by integrating with order management systems or connecting with fulfillment partners. It helps streamline order processing, tracking, and delivery.

71. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud assist with demand planning? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud helps with demand planning by providing tools to analyze historical sales data, customer demand patterns, market trends, and other factors to forecast future demand. It helps optimize inventory levels and ensure product availability.

72. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud support trade promotion approval workflows? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud allows organizations to define trade promotion approval workflows. This ensures that trade promotions go through the appropriate review and approval processes before implementation.

73. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with financial systems? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud can integrate with financial systems, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) or accounting systems. This integration allows for seamless data flow between sales and finance functions.

74. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle sales data analytics? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides robust sales data analytics capabilities. It allows organizations to analyze sales performance, identify trends, gain insights into customer behavior, and make data-driven decisions.

75. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with route planning tools? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud can integrate with route planning tools, allowing sales representatives to optimize their visit schedules, plan efficient routes, and minimize travel time and costs.

76. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offer guided onboarding for new users? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides guided onboarding resources and materials for new users. It helps them familiarize themselves with the system, features, and best practices for effective usage.

77. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle order tracking and status updates? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud allows sales representatives to track orders in real time, view order status updates, and provide accurate information to customers regarding order fulfillment.

78. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with supply chain management systems? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud can integrate with supply chain management systems to facilitate seamless coordination between sales and supply chain functions. It helps ensure efficient order fulfillment and inventory management.

79. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud support collaborative planning with retailers? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud enables collaborative planning with retailers by providing tools for joint business planning, sharing sales forecasts, and aligning sales strategies and objectives.

80. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offer field sales analytics? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides field sales analytics capabilities, allowing organizations to analyze field sales performance, track key metrics, and gain insights into field activities and outcomes.

81. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle sales team performance tracking? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud allows organizations to track and measure sales team performance metrics, such as revenue targets, sales quotas, win rates, and activity levels.

82. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud assist with trade promotion effectiveness analysis? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud helps analyze the effectiveness of trade promotions by providing tools to measure promotion performance, ROI, incremental sales, and other key metrics. It helps optimize trade promotion strategies.

83. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud support loyalty program management? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud includes features for loyalty program management, allowing organizations to design, implement, and track customer loyalty programs. It helps drive customer engagement and retention.

84. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle distributor inventory management? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud supports distributor inventory management by providing visibility into distributor inventory levels, facilitating replenishment, and ensuring product availability for customers.

85. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle order capturing at trade shows or events? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud allows sales representatives to capture orders at trade shows or events using mobile devices. They can enter orders, process payments, and sync the data with the central system.

86. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with customer service systems? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud can integrate with customer service systems, enabling seamless information flow between sales and customer service functions. It helps provide a unified view of customer interactions and inquiries.

87. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offer guided sales training materials? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides guided sales training materials, including documentation, videos, and tutorials, to support the learning and development of sales representatives.

88. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle product returns and replacements? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud includes functionality to manage product returns and replacements. It helps initiate return authorizations, track return shipments, and process replacements efficiently.

89. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle multi-channel selling? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud supports multi-channel selling by enabling organizations to sell through various channels, including direct sales, distributors, e-commerce, and retail partners. It helps streamline omnichannel sales processes.

90. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle sales forecasting for new product launches? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud allows organizations to incorporate new product launch data into sales forecasts. It helps estimate demand, plan inventory, and set sales targets for new products.

91. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offer real-time inventory visibility? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides real-time inventory visibility, allowing sales representatives to check product availability, stock levels, and delivery timelines while interacting with customers.

92. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with trade promotion optimization tools? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud can integrate with trade promotion optimization tools to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of trade promotion planning and execution.

93. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle sales compensation management? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides features for sales compensation management. It helps organizations define and manage sales commission structures, track performance, and calculate commission payouts accurately.

94. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offer mobile order approvals? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud supports mobile order approvals, allowing managers to review and approve sales orders on-the-go using mobile devices.

95. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle price protection and rebates? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud includes functionality to handle price protection and rebates. It helps manage and track price adjustments, reimbursements, and rebate programs.

96. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud assist with promotional planning and execution? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud assists with promotional planning and execution by providing tools to plan, schedule, and execute promotional activities. It helps track promotion performance and analyze results.

97. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud support sales collaboration and team communication? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offers features for sales collaboration and team communication. It provides channels for team members to share information, discuss opportunities, and collaborate on deals.

98. Can Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud integrate with product information management systems? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud can integrate with product information management (PIM) systems to ensure consistent and accurate product information across sales channels and touchpoints.

99. How does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud handle order approvals based on pricing discounts? Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud allows organizations to define approval workflows based on pricing discounts. It ensures that orders with specific discount levels go through the appropriate review and approval processes.

100. Does Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud offer real-time sales performance dashboards? Yes, Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud provides real-time sales performance dashboards that offer visualizations of key sales metrics, KPIs, and performance indicators. These dashboards enable users to monitor sales performance at a glance.

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