about your framework?
In our Selenium Project we are using Java
language. Even though Selenium supports multiple languages, we are using Java
language is just because most of the automation developers have knowledge on
Selenium with Java.
Type of Framework: In
our project, we are using Data-driven Framework by using Page Object Model
design pattern with Page Factory.
POM: As per the Page
Object Model, we have maintained a class for every web page. Each web page has
a separate class and that class holds the functionality and members of that web
page. Separate classes for every individual test.
We have separate
packages for Pages and Tests. All the web page related classes come under Pages
package and all the tests related classes come under Tests package.
Home Page and Login
Page,we have a separate classes to store element locators. For the login test
there would be a separate class which calls the methods from the Home Page
class and Login Page class.
As per the maven
project, all the tests are kept in the ‘src/test/java‘ and remaining files
(such as config.properties, element locators (POM classes), utility files, test
data, etc.,) kept under ‘src/main/java‘.
Test Base class
(TestBase.java) deals with all the common functions used by all the pages. This
class is responsible for loading the configurations from properties files,
Initializing the WebDriver, Implicit Waits, Extent Reports and also to create
the object of FileInputStream which is responsible for pointing towards the
file from which the data should be read.
Utility Class (AKA
Functions Class): Utility class (TestUtil.java) stores and handles the
functions (The code which is repetitive in nature such as waits, actions,
capturing screenshots, accessing excels, sending email etc.,) which can be
commonly used across the entire framework. The reason behind creating utility
class is to achieve reusability. This class extends the TestBase class to
inherit the properties of TestBase in TestUtil.
Properties file: This
file (config.properties) stores the information that remains static throughout
the framework such as browser specific information, application URL,
screenshots path etc.
All the details which
change as per the environment and authorization such as URL, Login Credentials
are kept in the config.properties file. Keeping these details in a separate
file makes easy to maintain.
Screenshots will be
captured and stored in a separate folder and also the screenshots of a failed
test cases will be added in the extent reports.
All the historical
test data will be kept in excel sheet (controller.xlsx). By using
‘controller.xlsx’, we pass test data and handle data driven testing. We use
Apache POI to handle excel sheets.
Using TestNG for
Assertions, Grouping and Parallel execution.
Using Maven for build,
execution and dependency purpose. Integrating the TestNG dependency in POM.xml
file and running this POM.xml file using Jenkins.
We use Git as a
repository to store our test scripts.
By using Jenkins CI
(Continuous Integration) Tool, we execute test cases on daily basis and also
for nightly execution based on the schedule. Test Result will be sent to the
peers using Jenkins.
For the reporting
purpose, we are using Extent Reports. It generates beautiful HTML reports. We
use the extent reports for maintaining logs and also to include the screenshots
of failed test cases in the Extent Report.
. Language used: Java
2. Type of Framework:
Behavioral-driven Framework by using Page Object Model design pattern with page
3. POM: As per pom, we
have maintained a class for every web page. Each webpage has a seperate class
for functionality and members of that webpage. Seperate classes for every
individual test.
4. Packages: We have
seperate packages for test case, test data, utilities
5. Test Base class: It
will deal with all the common functions used by all the pages. This class is
responsible for loading the configurations from properties file, initializing
the Webdriver, Implicit waits, Extent Reports and also to create the object of
FileInputStream which is responsible for pointing towards the file from which
the data should be read.
6. Utility class: It
stores and handles the the functions which are repetitive (Waits, actions,
capturing screenshots,accessing excels, Sending mails etc).This class extends
the Test Base class to inherit the properties.
2.What is
Page Factory?
Selenium Page Factory
Pattern is like an extension to Page Object Model , but Page Factory is much enhanced
model. To start with, we just need to import package
Factory class can be
used to make using Page Objects simpler and easier.
We use Page Factory
pattern to initialize web elements which are defined in Page Objects.
We should initialize
page objects using initElements() method from PageFactory Class as below, Once
we call initElements() method, all elements will get initialized.
PageFactory.initElements() static method takes the driver instance of the given
class and the class type, and returns a Page Object with its fields fully
you have 7 pages in your application then to achieve POM what u will do?
We will create 7 different classes for 7
different pages of the application with Web elements defined.
Create different
feature files with test scenarios related to these page
Create test data file
with test data to be used
1. Create 7 class files for each page and define
all the objects and methods of that page in each class respectively
2. Based on the flow
reference the methods from page class in the test class file ""
""Have you
used interface in your framework other then selenium interfaces?
1. Runnable Interface
- Parallel Thread execution
2. ITestListener -
Test NG listener interface
3. Define all the
methods in interface and implement in page clas to hide the implementation.
4.What is
xpath?Type of X path.Explain each type?
Xpath is a query
language for selecting nodes from an XML document. In selenium Xpath is the
most synatx or way of finding web elements existing on a web page
Syntax -
Two types of xpath
exist - relative and absolute
relative - this xpath
starts with double slash // which means it can search element anywhere on the
web page. Its the best way of finding an xpath, because in this way we need not
to go through each an every tag to reach a specific web element
relative xpath of
amazon.in search bar:
absolute - direct way
of finding the webelement. One of the huge disadvantage is the if there are any
changes in the future in the code , the xpath may fail.
Eg - /html/body/div[2]/div[1]/div/h4[1]/b/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/h4[1]
How does Selenium work?
6. Can you
describe scrum ceremony?
The Scrum divides the project backlog into
small iterations where each iteration makes an improvement into the product
which can be delivered to customer if need be. The iterations are called
sprints, the duration is typically 1–4 weeks. The team which is cross
functional tries to make incremental improvement in the product in each sprint.
Backlog Grooming
Product backlog is a
prioritized work items/userstories that are needed to bring the product in to
fruition. It is managed by the product owner in collaboration with Scrum Master
and the team. Backlog of the product is an ever changing list based on the new
features, modifications, findings etc. The aim of grooming is to keep the
userstories in a prioritized manner where immediate ones are also properly
estimated and ready for consumption in the sprints.
Sprint Planning
The first ceremony is
the sprint planning where the team sits and decide which backlog items. During
this session the product owner who has the customer inputs and release planning
gives the team information on the priority of the backlog items.
Daily Standup
Daily Standup/Daily
Scrum is a daily meeting for the team to do a quick check on the status and
resolves issues blocking the team. This is a short meeting where each member of
the team answers the following questions,
• What did I do
• What will I be doing
• Is there anything
blocking my progress which can effect the goal of the sprint.
The scrum master has
the role here to make sure that the updates are specific and the meeting does
not diverge into unrelated discussions.
Sprint Review
This meeting is at the
end of the sprint where the team along with Product Owner, potentially customer
meets to make sure that the sprint goal is achieved. The team goes through the
demonstration of the product and confirms that the outcome is as the
expectation of product owner and customer
Sprint Retrospective
This is the meeting to
analyze the sprint data and see to answer following questions,
• What went well
• What went wrong
• What could have been
In this meeting the
team comes up with a plan to correct the mistakes, resolve the team conflicts.
This is an opportunity where team members openly discuss about the problems and
corrective actions that need to be taken in the sub-sequent sprints.
7.Have you used
interface in your framework other then selenium interfaces?
Ans I have used
selenium interfaces only in my selenium project while initializing any browser
using selenium webdriver.
Synchronization in selenium? syntax for
implicit wait?
Ans Synchronization in
1. Getting the
application under test to be in sync with the testing tool - Selenium
2. How to achieve -
Wait concept: Using Implicit wait and explicit wait
Implicit wait
How u will handle popup window ?other then
get window handle?
Have you
used POM in your framework?
Yes, We have used Page
Object Model design pattern with page factory. As per pom, we have maintained a
class for every web page. Each webpage has a seperate class for functionality
and members of that webpage. Seperate classes for every individual test.
What is Page Factory?
1. Page Factory in
Selenium webdriver is an integrated concept of API. Here we follow again the
same principles of keeping repository objects or page classes seperate from
test cases.
2. POM and page
factory are same design patterns but differs in the way we define the locators
when you are working with page object patterns.
3. Here we use @FindBy
annotation to find elements and to initialize webelements using initelements
Suppose you have 7
pages in your application then to achieve POM what u will do?
Yes, We have used Page
Object Model design pattern with page factory. As per pom, we have maintained a
class for every web page. Each webpage has a seperate class for functionality
and members of that webpage. Seperate classes for every individual test.
Have you used
interface in your framework other then selenium interfaces?
Yes, I have used
interface in my project to hide the actual implementation. Like I have created
an interface for user details and implemented it for the login page class and
esignature class to use the data.
What are all the
selenium interfaces?
Webdriver is an
interface in selenium which we used to initialize it, other than that
WebElement, TakesScreenshot, Alert,ITestListener.
How to connect to
Create Connection to
DB -> Create Statement Object -> Execute the SQL Query. Store results in
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl,username,password);
Statement stmt =
ResultSet rs= stmt.executeQuery(query);
Suppose u have class
and abstract class in class there is a user defined constructor and main method
which one will get execute first?
The main method will
always execute first because it is a special static method that will be called
from Java itself to start an application.
What is the use of
XML file that contains
information about the project and configuration details used by Maven to build
the project.
What is the use of
TestNG. xml file is a
configuration file that helps in organizing our tests. It allows testers to
create and handle multiple test classes, define test suites and tests. It makes
a tester's job easier by controlling the execution of tests by putting all the
test cases together and run it under one XML file.
Annotation used in
page object model?
Ans : @FindBy "
Tell me About bug life
A bug life cycle is
the journey of bug, basically different stages which a bug goes through during
its life time. It differs from company to company and projects to projects
depending upon the software testing strategies and processes.
Common bug flow can be
- Open, Assigned, In Progress, Dev Complete, In Testing, Closed or Reopen
Diff annotations in testing?
@BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod, @AfterTest, @BeforeTest, @BeforeSuite,
What strategies you
followed while building a Selenium framework from scratch?
a. What is the best
tool available for building framework
b. Requirement of the
c. Should we go with a
BDD or TDD framework
d. Test data sheet
will be required
e. Test Cases whether
built for all the scenarios
d. How to structure
Feature files and Java files
Roles and
• Analyzing business
requirement in order to determine the test strategy covered by automation
• Developing new test
• Maintaining existing
tests scripts/regression suites
• Attending Agile
meetings (Daily scrum meeting/Sprint planning/Backlog refinement) on assigned
• Executing regression
• Providing results to
project managers/developers/manual testers and stakeholders
Explain wyat you done
in SQL testing?
I have done
• The field size validation
• Constraints.
• Indexes are done or
not (for performance-related issues)
• Stored procedures
• The field size
defined in the application is matching with that in the DB.
In SQL testing I
basically tested various tables and data available in those tables. On an high
level the testing involved entry of correct data when certain request is sent
from front end, whether the intended table has the entry or not.
For example - When a
user creates an account, there should be DB entry in a specific table, say
Registered_User with all the details - first name, last name etc
Similarly another
example can be - a ecommerce site showing delivery date of a particular
product. This delivery date is fetched from a DB table, which in turn was
calculated there. We test these DB tables, with different SQL queries to
evaluate whether the correct response in expected format is visible or not
Explain inner join and
outer join in SQL.?
nner join- table that
has join within itself. Gives the resukt from the same table.
Outer join- Gives
result from the left table.
1. Inner Join: Returns
only the rows that have matching values in both the tables
2. Outer Join: It
includes the matching rows as well as some of the non-matching rows between the
two tables.
There are 3 types of
Outer Join:
Left Outer Join:
Returns all the rows from the LEFT table and matching records between both the
Right Outer Join:
Returns all the rows from the RIGHT table and matching records between both the
Full Outer Join: It
combines the result of the Left Outer Join and Right Outer Join.""
Sql query to find out
total salary for all employee department wise?
SELECT DepartmentID,
Explain about the
usage of Jira ? How add testcases and defects?
JIRA: This software is
like the central hub for the coding, collaboration, and release stages. QA
teams Use Jira for issues, customized screens, fields, and workflows to manage
manual and automated testing.
It is useful in the
below scenarios:
a) For Agile Teams:
-issue tracking, scrum boards, kanban boards, customizable workflows
b) For Project
Management Teams:- Issue/Task Management, workflow customization, Reports and
Analytics, User Permission
c) For Software
Development Teams:- Release Planning, Sprint Planning, CI/CD Integration, Issue
d) For task
management:- Project roadmap, Dependency mapping
e) For bug tracking:-
Report bug/issues, workflows, email notification
f) For Task
Management:- Email notification, custom fields, task change, sub tasks etc
Adding test cases in
JIRA: Refer this link with step by step explanation
Adding bug in JIRA: a)
Verify the issue type: Bug is selected
b) Fill or select the
Defect ID
Defect title
Defect description
(steps to reproduce)
Assign it to someone
Status- All the
statuses in the bug life cycle
c) Click on Create
34.How do you write
your script in selenium
There are seven basic
elements of a Selenium test script, which apply to any test case and any
application under test (AUT):
Create a WebDriver
WebDriver driver = new
Navigate to a Web
Locate an HTML element
on the Web page.
Perform an action on
an HTML element.
Anticipate the browser
response to the action.
Run tests and record
test results using a test framework.
Conclude the test.
1)What are your roles
and responsibilities as manual tester?
2)what are your roles
and responsibilities as Automation test engineer?
3)what are the challenges
you faced as a automation test engineer?
4)What is
5)syntax to perform
parallel testing in TestNG and what do you write in
<suite tag> also
what do you mention in double quotes like parallel =" "
the Software Requirements specification document.
Application under test.
Make test cases and
test data with user stories or test scenarios.
Perform test case
execution with scenarios.
If the defect is
found, then report it to the developer and fix it.
Where fault is found,
re-test there.
Make sure the
application is the free defect.
Send the test report
to test lead.
or identification of test cases for automation from existing test case
Applying Designing and
Test Automation Strategy Document
Creating an automation
test plan and getting approval.
Configure Selenium
Test Environment for setup(ex: Java, Selenium
WebDriver and TestNG etc.).
Participation in
Selenium Environmental Setup with IDE.
Automation framework
design and implementation according to project structure.
Creating, Enhancing,
Debugging and Running Test Cases.
Organizing, monitoring
defect management process Handling changes and conducting regression tests.
Find solutions for
issues related to object identity issues and error handling.
Coordination of the
members of the Test team and the development team to solve the issues.
1. Risk in agile
2. if one user moves
to another sprint then what it is called
3. Bdd is behavior
dependent or independent
4. What is most important
things to define in a bug
5. Whom to contact if
you are unable to understand the requirements
6. Day to day work
"1. Agile
requires Experience, skilled people, requires planning and productivity. Also
Agile is time bound. Budget can go more than planned.
2. Spillover
3. BDD is Behaviour
Driven Development. It means human-readable descriptions of software user
requirements as the basis for software tests. It is written in Gherkins.
4. Bug Summary,
Description, Steps, Expected and Actual Result, Priority, Severity, Environment
5. BA
6. Team Lead activity
of planning and assignment work, Test execution, working on JIRA tickets, issue
resolution , test matrices".
1.Tell me about
2.Explain Sdlc and
3.Explain Bug
4.What is assessment
5.difference between
Stress testing and load testing?
6.What is soak
7.What is difference
between bug and Defect?
8.tell me 10 test
cases for item add to cart for ecommerce application?
9.how you will perform
load testing and stress testing?
10.what is adhoc
12.what is build
acceptance testing?
13.explain severity
and priority and High severity with low priority, low severity and high
14.what is data driven
15.what test plan
16.how to classified a
17.Explain about agile
18.Tell me coulmns
contains in testcase template?
19.What are the types
of testing?
"1.Tell me about
Stated in previous
2.Explain Sdlc and
Software Development
Life Cycle (SDLC) is a sequence of different activities performed during the
software development process.
Software Testing Life
Cycle (STLC) is a sequence of different activities performed during the
software testing process.
3.Explain Bug
Bug life cycle is also
known as Defect life cycle. In Software Development process, the bug has a life
cycle. The bug should go through the life cycle to be closed. Bug life cycle
varies depends upon the tools (QC, JIRA etc.,) used and the process followed in
the organization.
fixed- retest- close or retest-open
5.difference between
Stress testing and load testing?
Stress testing-
- Stress Testing is
performed to test the robustness of the system or software application under
extreme load.
- load limit is above
the threshold of a break.
- the performance is
tested under varying data amounts.
- Stress testing is
performed to find the behavior of the system under pressure.
Load Testing-
-Load Testing is performed
to test the performance of the system or software application under extreme
- load limit is the
threshold of a break.
- the performance of the software is tested
under multiple number of users
- Load testing is
performed to find out the upper limit of the system or application.
6.What is soak
Soak Testing is a type
of non functional testing that is used to measure performance of a software
application under a huge volume of load for an extended period of time. The
goal of Soak testing is to ensure whether the software application sustains
high volume of usage and to check what would happen outside its design
7.What is difference
between bug and Defect?
The variation between
the actual results and expected results is known as defect.If a developer finds
an issue and corrects it by himself in the development phase then it̢۪s called
a defect.
If testers find any
mismatch in the application/system in testing phase then they call it as Bug
9.how you will perform
load testing and stress testing?
load testing-
1. Create a dedicated Test Environment
for load testing
2. Determine the following
3. Load Test Scenarios
4. Determine load testing transactions
for an application
o Prepare Data for each transaction
o Number of Users accessing the
system need to be predicted
o Determine connection speeds. Some
users may be connected via leased lines while others may use dial-up
o Determine different browsers and
operating systems used by the users
o A configuration of all the servers
like web, application and DB Servers
5. Test Scenario execution and
monitoring. Collecting various metrics
6. Analyze the results. Make
7. Fine-tune the System
8. Re-test
stress testing-
1. Plan the Stress
Test – In this step, you gather the system data, analyze the system and
define the stress test goals.
2. Create Automation
Scripts – Here, you need to create the Stress testing automation scripts and
generate the test data for the stress scenarios.
3. Script Execution
– In the third step, you run the Stress testing automation scripts and store
the stress results.
4. Results Analysis
– After storing the results, now you need to analyze the Stress Test results
and identify bottlenecks.
5. Tweaking and Optimization
– In the final step, you fine-tune the
system, change configurations, and optimize the code to meet the desired
10.what is adhoc
When a software
testing performed without proper planning and documentation, it is said to be
Adhoc Testing.
a type of software testing where Test cases are not created in advance but
testers check system on the fly. They may note down ideas about what to test
before test execution. The focus of exploratory testing is more on testing as a
""thinking"" activity.
12.what is build
acceptance testing?
build acceptance
testing is a set of tests run on every
new build to verify that build is testable before it is released to test team
for further testing.
13.explain severity
and priority and High severity with low priority, low severity and high
-severity -The
severity is a parameter set by the tester while he opens a defect and is mainly
in control of the tester.
-Priority: It defines
the priority in which the defects should be resolved. if there are multiple
defects, the priority decides which defect has to be fixed and verified
immediately versus which defect can be fixed a bit later. It is usually set by
the lead
-low severity with a
high priority: A logo error for any shipment website, can be of low severity as
it not going to affect the functionality of the website but can be of high
priority as you don't want any further shipment to proceed with the wrong logo.
-high severity with a
low priority: Likewise, for flight operating website, a defect in reservation
functionality may be of high severity but can be a low priority as it can be
scheduled to release in a next cycle.
14.what is data driven
Data-driven testing is
creation of test scripts where test data and/or output values are read from
data files instead of using the same hard-coded values each time the test runs.
This way, testers can test how the application handles various inputs
15.what test plan
A test plan contains a
product description, objectives, testing strategies, scope, schedule,
procedures, testing resources, and deliverables.
16.how to classified a
Software Defects/ Bugs
are normally classified as per:Severity / Impact ,Probability / Visibility
,Priority / Urgency ,Related Dimension of Quality ,Related Module /
Component,Phase Detected,Phase Injected
17.Explain about agile
AGILE methodology is a
practice that promotes continuous iteration of development and testing
throughout the software development lifecycle of the project. In the Agile
model, both development and testing activities are concurrent
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